Well I must admit that I am at that space where Summer is Fading and Back-to-School is just around the corner! I can't wait!!!!
I have been painting ALOT of new product for 2012! Sorry, no sneak peeks, yet!
And, although not ready for another Post, I have actually been stitching alot on background and filler stuff for Thanksgiving series. And lastly, on the stitching front, have started stitching on my newest Kelly Club which will begin in March 2012. It's definitely not time for a reveal, but I can show a tiny sneak peak:
It's so necessary to take a break and work on something Small and Fun,
when you are tackling a Big Series!
John with Nieces, Aleks and Krista and the Little Cousins
My Girls with Cousin Aleks, whom they Idolize!
These last 2 weeks have been agonizing! I LOVE,Love, love my kiddos, but they really need to go back to school! Olivia, my 8 year old, has taken to making 'potions' of colored water...mostly purple...and adding to her 'dead battery' collection. There isn't a single tiny bottle in the house not filled with purple water! Every item in the house that takes batteries has been checked twice. Olivia doesn't necessarily replace with live batteries, but the deads are taken! Grace, my 11 year old, spends most of her time on Facebook, or watching Disney & NICK sit-com re-runs, ad nauseam!! She watches
Olivia on Zip-line at Camp! Grace at Cheer Class at Camp! Jack trying out his Look!

Make-up tutorials on You-Tube and then hides away in her bathroom and practices. I got really tired of my make-up disappearing, so I broke down and got her a kit of Theater Make-up! Also, talking on the phone with friends...when I come anywhere close, she changes rooms and slams doors! The Tween years are not starting pretty! Jack my 14.5 year old sleeps 'til the crack of 1 in the afternoon...spends most of his time in his room, or riding his bike, or hanging at a friends. He is actually the least trouble right Lucy, our Golden-doodle will miss her play-mates, alot!
now...but that will change once there are expectations...
ie: homework/schoolwork!!!!
And I leave you with only one little Needlework picture taken from my Stumpwork Sampler:
Sweet Peas and Strawberries!
Happy Stitching! I will Post more Thanksgiving Soon!