Monday, March 20, 2017

Kelly's 2017 Classes and Appearances

Where Oh Where is Kelly Teaching?

Many Stitchers have been asking and I want to get the word out. 
If you are in the vicinity of any of these shops or if you are in the
mood for a Get-a-way, 
Some of these classes are nearly FULL!!
Don't DELAY! 
Here is the current schedule:

March 22-24 (This Week already!)

In Stitches, Atlanta, GA


Piece being taught:

3 Day Complete Workshop

KCA 41-18 The Kitchen Rooster


March 31-April 1

2 Day Complete Workshop

The West, Tucson AZ


Piece being taught:

2 Day Complete Workshop

KCA 41-18 The Kitchen Rooster


May 5-6

Ridgewood Needlepoint, Wyckoff, NJ



Piece being taught:

2 Day Complete Workshop

KCW 201-18 The Summer Independence Wreath


June 8th
What's The Point, Dublin, OH 614.717.9008

piece being taught:

Lesson & Luncheon

Lesson 1 of CYBER CLASS 

KCW 202-18 The Winter Holly Wreath


August 9-11

The Enriched Stitch, Wilton, CT


piece being taught:

3 Day Workshop

KCA 41-18 The Kitchen Rooster


September 22-23
Louise's Needlework, Powell, OH


piece being taught:

2 Day Workshop

KCA 41-18 The Kitchen Rooster


October 18-21

4 Day Workshop

Stitcher's choice from 6 different Kelly Canvases!

Will post the pictures soon!

The Needle Bug, Montgomery, AL



 November 3-5

2 Day Workshop

The Wellesley Needlepoint Collection

Wellesley, MA


A brand New Kelly Canvas: 

The Autumn Wreath 

KCW 205-18
Will post the picture soon!

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